Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Please join us for the 3rd Annual Paw Paw Bridge Wak this Labor Day.

The walk will start at approximately 9:30 AM -- or after the Truck Parade leaves Zeeland -- whichever is later. (for more info on the Michigan Works Labor Day Truck Parade, see below.)

This mock walk :) will be complete with a stretching station before departure and a refreshing water station mid-way through the walk.

At the end of the walk participants will enjoy punch and cookies. Certificates will again be awarded to the first 29 participants. (one certificate for each yard of the bridge!)

Please pass the word aroudn to family and freinds who might be interested in joining this annual event. Hope to see you there!

Feel the Zeel!

your Bridge Walk Hosts: Al & Barb Dannenberg


Michigan Works Labor Day Truck Parade

This Labor Day, Monday, September 6, join us downtown for the Sixth Annual Labor Day Truck Parade, a celebration of the hard work and dedication of the men and women who make West Michigan such a great place to work.

The parade kicks off on Zeeland’s Main Street at 9:00am and should roll onto Holland’s 8th Street by 9:15.

Following the parade, the public is invited to the Holland Civic Center for free hot dogs, ice cream, giveaways and an up-close look at the trucks that carry locally made products all across the country. The celebration ends by noon.

For more information on this event, including a video that captures the sights, sounds and spirit of this event, go to www.westmichiganworks.org

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